WorkFromHomeWithCoachGrant - TRAFFIC EXCHANGES - Do They Work?


After making the decision to try to make money online many people will, sooner or later, discover what are called "Traffic Exchanges".  A Traffic Exchange is a platform that you can join for free and the idea is that you can advertise your new home-based business on the traffic exchange.  Although you can join traffic exchanges for free, in order to get some exposure for your business, you must accumulate what are called 'ad credits' to promote your new business.  You accumulate ad credits by viewing other people's ads.  View one ad get one ad credit.  When other people view your ad that view costs you one ad credit. Simple concept.

In my view, however, the traffic exchange business model is fundamentally flawed for two important reasons.  The first reason is that the grim reality is that the failure rate in the affiliate marketing space is astronomically high.  It has been suggested that the failure rate may, in fact, be in excess of 95%.  So why would anyone want to try their luck at affiliate marketing?  Well, the short answer is that for those who figure out how to actually succeed, the financial rewards can be quite high.

But back to the flaws in the system.  Because the failure rate is so high, when you employ the traffic exchange to advertise your business, you are actually courting other people who, for the most part, are going to fail!  So the question arises "why do so many people fail?"  I think that there are multiple reasons for failure but, just to mention a couple of reasons, most people don't have a good mentor to show them the ropes and, secondly, while most people will tell you they want to succeed, most are simply not prepared to do what is necessary for success.  Most people lack the determination and the patience required in order to be successful.  In a nutshell, they don't know what it takes or they don't have what it takes.  Sad but true.

Perhaps  more importantly, the biggest flaw in the traffic exchange business model is this:  other people on the traffic exchange 'surf' other people's ads to accumulate ad credits so they can advertise their own business on the traffic exchange.  Accordingly, they are not interested in the business you are promoting.  Now, that is a slight exaggeration.  Sometimes, another member of the traffic exchange will click on the link that promotes your business and may actually join you in your business.  But even if that happens, we get back to the first flaw in the model:  Most people will fail.  Remember that.  So even if a person joins you in your business, they won't succeed.  For people who have used traffic exchanges I ask you "how many times has someone joined you in the business you are promoting and do absolutely nothing after joining?" Absolutely nothing.  The bottom line is that, by using the traffic exchange in an effort to promote your business, you are courting people who aren't interested in what you are promoting and, even if they click on your link, you are courting people who will never succeed.  And that amounts to a total waste of your time and effort.

There are other reasons why traffic exchanges do not serve you when it comes to affiliate marketing.  Anyone in the affiliate marketing space for any length of time will have heard that 'the money is in the list' and that 'the fortune is in the follow-up'.  Putting an ad on a traffic exchange does little to help you build your 'list' for the reasons I have set out in this short post.

In addition, if you spend a couple of hours 'surfing' to accumulate credits, let's assume that you accumulate 250 credits in that period of time.  So you assign those credits to your ad and other members will see your ad as they surf.  Now, let's assume that the traffic exchange has 2,500 members.  If you have 250 credits it is not hard to see that your ad credits are going to get chewed up pretty quickly.  So to get more exposure for your ad you have to spend another couple of hours surfing.  That's a lot of effort for little or no return.  Beyond that, however, many of you will realize that there are people on traffic exchanges who surf 2,000 or more pages per day!  These people will furiously surf through the ads in their effort to accumulate ad credits to promote their business.  They have absolutely no interest in joining you in your business.  I call these people predatory surfers.  These people may see your ad 3, 4, 5 or more times during their surfing session.  And if there are two or three such people on the exchange in a particular day your ad credits will get wasted with no tangible results for you whatsoever.

Looked at from another angle, a while back, I did a blog post that asked the question "are you an advertiser or are you a marketer".  The question is aimed at the notion that, simply advertising your business does very little to attract other business owners to you.  To attract others to you, you must provide value.  People do business with people they know, like and trust.  Simply advertising your business does not get others to know, like and trust you.  To succeed in business you must provide solutions to other people's problems.  Advertising your business does not accomplish that for you.  Advertising alone does not help someone else to succeed.  So what is the answer?  How do you get on the road to success?   

Are you genuinely interested in a business you can work from home, a business that can provide financial security for yourself and your family?  If you think you have the determination and the patience that is required to succeed, then I invite you to consider my affiliate marketing training.  It is absolutely free.  It is based on what is called "Attraction Marketing".  The training is a coaching series that I have developed over many years.  It is designed to teach you the principles you need to succeed.  To access this free coaching for affiliate marketers I invite you to fill in your name and best email in the form below.  You will receive a series of emails from me which will take you step-by-step through the entire series of lessons.  (Ask me for the share code and you can pass the whole series on to others).  So, if you really think you have what it takes to become successful, take that step right now and I'll see you on the inside. 

To Your Limitless Success,

Grant Rayner

Email Marketing by


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